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Humanities and Science University Journal № 54 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Specifi c Features of Development of the Shanghai Propaganda Poster of the Mao Zedong Era

Cao Yiran
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The paper is devoted to studying the development history and artistic 
features of the Shanghai propaganda poster, which occupied a dominant 
position in the art of the poster of the People’s Republic of China from 1949 
to 1976. The decisive stimulating role in the formation of the Shanghai 
propaganda poster of this period was played by the posters of the end of 
the Qing Dynasty and the period of the Republic of China. At present, it 
is extremely necessary to impartially and objectively study the art of the 
era of Mao Zedong as one of the sections of art history, and also from the 
standpoint of art history, to  study the place of the propaganda poster as a 
type of painting that incorporates the best art techniques in the history of 
Chinese art, as well as to trace it evolution. In no way the poster can be 
considered  only as an instrument of ideological propaganda of the Chi-
nese Communist Party, otherwise signifi cant gaps will remain in the study.
Keywords: propaganda poster, the era of Mao Zedong, New Year Painting, calendar, 
socialist realism, Yangtze delta.
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