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Humanities and Science University Journal № 54 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Specifi cs of the Repertoire of a Modern Erhu Player

Wang Huixian, M. V. Smirnova
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In the XXI century, the traditional Chinese string instru-
ment erhu is widely known not only in China, but outside 
the country as well. The erhu repertoire today is divided 
into two parts: traditional and modern. The paper deals 
with the repertoire’s specifi c features and the problems of 
its differentiation, gives the examples of traditional nota-
tion and the modern pieces of erhu music as well as the 
recommendations for the correct stylistic performance of 
the modern erhu repertoire.
Keywords: music, traditions, modernity, instrument, erhu, repertoire, work, style, character, notation, symbol, text, performance, instructions, bow, body,  authorship.
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interpretatsiya natsional’noy instrumental’noy muzyki. Shankhay: Shankhayskaya 
konservatoriya, 2018. (Rukopis’).
2. Klochko S. I. Spetsifi ka traditsionnoy muzykal’noy pis’mennosti Vostochnoy Azii: 
na primere Kitaya i Korei: avtoref. dis. kand. iskusstvovedeniya. Vladivostok, 2009.
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