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The Scientific Opinion №4 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


A. Yu. Vyazinkin
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.4.22.29
In the context of the “Scythian” paradigm of the Russian neo-Narodnik movement, the 
problem of autonomous personality acquires a pronounced civilisational intonation. 
捯ere is a certain line of continuity in this interpretation of personality’s liberation within 
the framework of the Narodniks’ paradigm: from the social and philosophical searches of 
A. I. Herzen and the “philosophy of daily life” of N. K. Mikhaylovsky to the neo-Narod-
niks’ artistic and philosophical tradition of “Scythianism”. 捯us, the problem of autono-
mous personality in the Russian neo-Narodnik movement becomes a continuation of the 
theory of personality’s liberation in the humanistic tradition of Russian thought. 捯e re-
lationship between personality’s autonomy and tradition in the Narodniks’ tradition was 
seen as an attempt to reconcile individualism and solidarism, to justify philosophically 
the dialectic of the individual and the universal. 捯e spiritual maximalism of “Scythian-
ism” is the core of folk culture, which combines social and anthropological ideals. 
Key words: Russian Narodniks, neo-Narodniks, Russian philosophy, Scythianism, au-
tonomous personality.
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