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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019


M. D. Kornoukhov, Zhao Wanyue
Price: 50 руб.
The article briefl y analyses the use of the basic principles of modern Russian choral techniques in the correlation of the acute shortage of professional choirmasters in China. It is emphasised that the creative refraction of these techniques is impossible without tak-
ing into account the national characteristics and musical traditions of modern China.  In 
particular, this is due to the perception of musical art, which is impossible without refer-
ence to the non-musical (historical and stylistic, genre, socio-political, mental, personal) 
context. Based on this, the quality and level of professional competence of a Chinese 
choral teacher should always be correlated not only with the methodological equipment, 
but also, to a large extent, greater individualisation of the learning process, departure 
from templates, standards, simple solutions to any problem of the educational process. 
Key words: choral culture, methodological principles, music education in modern 
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Price: 50 рублей
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