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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019


A. V. Nikolskaya, A. A. Kostrigin
Price: 50 руб.
The paper puts forward a statement about basic ideas about the world that are common 
for human and higher animals and that facilitate the communication between man and 
pets. The differences between the animal communication system and the human lan-
guage are considered. The authors describe the development of interspecies communication serving the needs of members of an interspecies group. Based on the classifi cation of the causes (needs) for the acquisition of pets, it is shown that the type of need determines the quality of interspecies communication and can impede effective interaction. 
Key words: interspecies interaction, interspecies communication, systems approach, 
natural, personal and environmental defi ciency, language, animal communication sys-
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13. Nikolskaya A.V. Humans and Pets Behavioral Interaction Model: Theory, Methodology and Application. Atlanta, Georgia: Allwrite Publishing, 2013. 324 p.
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Price: 50 рублей
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