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Humanities and Science University Journal № 46 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

From Lully to Tchaikovsky: Musical and Choreographic “Revolutions” in the History of Ballet

G. N. Emelyanova
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to three important stages in the formation 
of the classical ballet — the birth of the classical ballet, illumi-
nated by the talent of the composer J.-B. Lully and choreogra-
pher P. Beauchamps (2nd half of the 17th century), the heyday of 
the classical ballet in the age of romanticism associated with 
the activities of the composer A. Adan, ballet masters S. Perrot 
and J. Coralli (1830–1850-ies) and the era of the “big ballet” 
in Russia, embodied by the work of Tchaikovsky and Petipa (2nd 
half of the 19th century). For the fi rst time in Russian ballet stud-
ies the author reveals the origins of expressive means of the clas-
sical ballet — dance, pantomime and music, and analyzes their 
greatest manifestation in the performing and symphonic dance.
Keywords: classical ballet, J. B. Lully, P. Beauchamp, A. Adan, J. Perrot, J. Coralli, the ballet “Giselle”, the ballet “the Sleeping beauty”, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Marius Petipa.
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2012. 22 s.
14. Chaykovskiy P. I. Spyashchaya krasavitsa: balet v trekh deystviyakh s prologom. 
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15. Christout M.-F. Le ballet de cour de Louis XIV. 1643–1672. Muses en scиne. 
Paris. Editions A. et J. Picard & Cie, 1967. 275 p.
16. Dubos. Rйfl exions critiques sur la poйsie et sur la peinture. aris, cher Pissot, 
1770. 523 p. 
17. Guest I. The Romantic Ballet in Paris. L.: Sir Isaac Pitman und Sons LTD, 1966. 
314 р.
18. Pruniиres H. Le ballet de cour en France avant Benserade et Lully. Paris: Henri 
Laurence, 1914. 282 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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