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The Scientific Opinion №4 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019


A. E. Mitko (Hegumen Serapion)
Price: 50 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2019.4.34.38
The formation of theology as an academic discipline and branch of scientiɼc knowledge 
occurs in the context of a tense discussion of its scientiɼc character. This discussion 
develops in several directions, but necessarily concerns the topic of opposing religious 
studies and theology in a number of philosophical and methodological criteria. In the 
framework of such discussions, religious studies and theology are represented as two 
opposing poles of knowledge about religion, and religion studies are thought to have 
a scientiɼc character, whereas theology is deprived of this status. At the same time, the 
unscientiɼc nature of theology is supported by various (including serious) arguments, 
but the scientiɼc nature of religious studies is determined through a simple opposition 
of “unscientiɼc” theology. This position is also interesting because arguments against 
the scientiɼc nature of theology, often based on the positivistic methodology, also call 
into question the scientiɼc nature of religious studies as a research programme. The high 
ideological and emotional tension of discussions about the scientiɼc status of theology 
sometimes conceals certain aspects of the interaction of theology and religion in a new 
Key  words: theology, religious studies, missiology, academic institutionalisation of 
theology, methodology, research programme.
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