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Humanities and Science University Journal № 43 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Infl uence of German Expressionism on Synthesis of Theatre and Cinema in S. M. Eisenstein’s Works

T. A. Solomkina
Price: 50 руб.
The paper explores the stage and screen art of S.M. Eisenstein. 
It analyzes penetration of German expressionism aesthetics into 
the stage productions and fi lms of the Soviet director. Specifi c 
images born on the Soviet stage and screen resulting from the 
infl uence of expressionism are revealed.
Keywords: Eisenstein, expressionism, theatre, cinema, stage, screen.
1. «Vse velikoe prosto». S. M. Eyzenshteyn o teatre. 1919–1923 / publ., vstup. 
stat’ya i komment V. V. Zabrodina // Mnemozina: Dokumenty i fakty iz istorii otechest-
vennogo teatra XX veka. Vyp. 4. M.: Indrik, 2009. S. 437–505.
2. Kandinskiy V. O dukhovnom v iskusstve. M.: Arkhimed, 1992. 107 s.
3. Eyzenshteyn S. M. Izbrannye proizvedeniya: v 6 t. M.: Iskusstvo, 1964. T. 2. 566 s. 
4. Sдhrendt Chr. “Die Brьcke” zwischen Staatskunst und verfemung: Expressionist-
ische Kunst als Politikum in der Weimarer Republik, im “Dritten Reich” und im Kalten 
Krieg. Stuttgart: Steiner, 2005. 124 S.
Price: 50 рублей
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