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The Scientific Opinion №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2018


A. E. Makhovikov
Price: 50 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2018.10.53.57
The purpose of this study is to analyse one of the fundamental causes of the crisis in the 
development of the modern global technological civilisation – a person that becomes the 
own and only possible identiBcation of human existence in the system of civilisational 
values under consideration. In the context of this understanding, a person acquires the 
status of a worldview universal and an ontological basis in understanding the human 
essence, and therefore it becomes the most important civilisational value, in accordance 
with which each person turns into an independent universe, into a self-sufBcient whole 
that has a substantive basis in itself and therefore opposes everything as another whole. 
In accordance with this ideological paradigm, a personality gives himself/herself a right 
to change and transform the entire world, society and even himself/herself as an object 
of his/her activity. At the same time, a person transforms already existing moral criteria 
and independently determines new moral criteria in the evaluation of the results of this 
activity. Under these conditions, the violation of the harmonious unity of a person and 
the world around becomes no longer relevant for a person, since personal attention and 
satisfaction of his/her needs now deserve more attention.
Key  words:  man,  personality,  civilisational  identity,  worldview,  world  outlook 
universal, universe, civilisational value.
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Price: 50 рублей
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