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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2018


N. K. Matrosova
Price: 50 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2018.9.26.30
The  article  deals  with  the  formation  of  generalising  concepts  “type”  and  “kind” 
(biological)  used  in  natural  science.  It  is  noted  that  the  formation  of  these  concepts contributed to the exit from the descriptive state in the analysis of the natural world. The author singles out theoretical and methodological provisions that determined the development of ideas about the natural essences of existence, including metamorphosis, organicism, and integrity, which inSuenced the formation of taxonomic units of natural science.  The  author  also  studies  concrete  historical  materials  (studies  by  J.  Cuvier,   J. W. von Goethe, C. Lyell, etc.), which con̐rm the methodological characteristics of the concepts under consideration.
Key words: wholness, type, kind (biological), organicism, classi̐cation, morphology, 
natural universe.
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7. Cuvier G. Leregneanimal distribued’ apres son organizion. T. 1. Paris. 1817. 168 s. 
8. Owen R. Report on the archetype and homologies of vertebrate skeleoton. Brit. Assoc. Rep. London. 
1946. P. 134–149.
9. Jussieu A.-L. Principe de la methodenaturelle des vegetaux. Paris. 1824. 173 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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