The article analyses the structure of regional identity. It is noted that this concept reects
the speciacity of culture, which is formed under the inuence of geographical, ethnic,
and demographic factors. It is established that regional identity characterises the identity
of the culture of the population of a particular territory. Regional identity 鱑nds expression in social ties and the sense of community of people inhabiting the territory. The analysis
of the conceptions of constructivism showed that regional identity is an object of social
management and one of the factors of political strategies. The theoretical provisions of the constructivism conceptions served as a methodological basis for conducting a questionnaire survey of the population of Togliatti. The results of the survey helped to analyse the opinions of residents about the quality of information about Togliatt that can be found in the Internet. Togliatti’s image is perceived as positive, but boring. This emphasises the need for efforts on improving the image.
Key words: regional identity, territorial identity, group identity, city image, information
about the city, information quality assessment.
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