Price: 50 руб.
DOI: 22224378.2018.7-8.92.97
The article deals with the problems of preparing clarinetists in China. The purpose is
to study the features of clarinet teaching in China, ways and methods of teaching and
to ınd centres for clarinet education in China. Currently there are two types of clari-
net training programmes in China. The ırst one is aimed at non-professional training,
caused by the interest in playing the clarinet. These programmes include training with
a subsequent qualiıcation examination, as well as training of children and adoles-
cents to increase their interest in music and to provide additional education during
extracurricular time. The second programme type is professional clarinet training of
high school students who specialise in the clarinet or who have to pass an entrance
examination in clarinet for high school, as well as high school students specialising in
art history for university entrance. Usually a programme of this kind is divided in two
parts: music education and performance training. The article describes the Chinese
culture of clarinet teaching. Professional training centres in China fall into three main
categories. The ırst category includes independent specialised music universities and
art universities, the second one includes ordinary music universities, the third one
includes music schools based on higher educational institutions. The goals, directions
and content of the programmes in all three categories were comprehensively analysed
and studied. The author also gives recommendations on overcoming problems in clari-
net teaching at music schools.
Key words: clarinet, qualiıcation, high school, professional music education, performer’s
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