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The Scientific Opinion №7-8 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2018


A. S. Kats
Price: 50 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH. 22224378.2018.7-8.55.60
The article reveals the importance of international projects in the formation of modern 
multicultural society and tolerance in the conditions of globalisation and integration. 
Inter-ethnic tolerance is treated as an integral personal quality, based on the acceptance 
of  other  cultures  and  positive  relationship  towards  them.  Students’  participation  in 
international educational projects is the most constructive way of inter-ethnic tolerance 
formation.  International  project  activity  is  considered  through  the  realisation  of  the 
programme TEMPUS-IV  of  the  project  “Actions  of  Lifelong  Learning,  Oriented  on 
the  Multi-Cultural  Education  and  Tolerance  Formation  in  Russia”  (ALLMEET)  and 
the project “Tuning of Educational Structures” (TUNING). The goal of the ALLMEET 
project was to create an intercultural educational platform in an educational institution, 
based on the cooperation of the leading Russian and European universities in the sphere of education. The paper sums up the results of the intercultural platform’s activity in 
Kazan obtained through the survey among the project coordinators and invited experts.
Key words:  inter-ethnic tolerance, inter-ethnic interaction, international educational 
project, participant of the process of communication, teacher, university student.
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Price: 50 рублей
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