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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №4, 2018


T. V. Letuta
Price: 50 руб.
Based on the system analysis of legislation, local acts of Russian and foreign arbitra-
tion institutions, the author of the paper reveals features of the civil legal capacity of a 
permanent arbitration institution and arbitrators. The main confl icts and gaps in the legal 
regulation of the activities of a permanent arbitration institution and arbitrators are iden-
tifi ed. The conclusions regarding the possible optimisation of the legislation consist in 
the need to divide organisational functions (challenge, appointment of arbitrators, arbi-
tration fees) and offi ce work functions in Russian arbitration institutions. Other options 
are proposed for organising the activities of entities related to arbitration, which include 
the need to confer the status of a legal entity on the entity administering the arbitration. 
The article also raises the problems of determining the rights and duties of arbitrators as 
persons engaged in resolving a dispute from the point of view of civil law. The author 
notes the inconsistency in the rules on the responsibility of arbitrators, as well as prob-
lems arising in making a decision and problems of its legitimation.
Key words: civil legal capacity, permanent arbitration institution, arbitrator, arbitra-
tion, legitimation of an arbitral decision.
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Price: 50 рублей
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