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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №2, 2018


O. A. Ganina, G. I. Seletkova, V. A. Fedotova
Price: 50 руб.
Ideas about the role of higher education in the future are considered by the authors 
as the main element of professionalisation. Fast and signifi cant transformations in 
education and professions themselves require timely response from the participants 
of the process. The article presents students’ views on the development prospects of 
the higher education system. The authors reveal the features of understanding of the 
higher education development, describe the image of a student of the future and develop 
recommendations aimed at increasing the sociocultural signifi cance of universities.
Key words: profession, professionalisation, higher education, opinions, future.
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Price: 50 рублей
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