M. Y. Rabtsevich
Price: 50 руб.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH. 22224378.2018.6.63.72
The foreign academic papers are translated for the frst time within the interdisciplinary
approach in musicology, education science, acoustics, psychological studies and
linguistics, as part of the research on the reasoned terminology choice aimed at evaluation of the classical guitar tone characteristics. The introduction of the classifcation of defnitions in the educational process will contribute to forming a common language
between teachers and students, namely they will have common psychoemotional and
cognitive reactions in evaluating the instrument sounding. This will simplify the choice
of terminology required for the correction of tone colours in students’ performance.
Key words: classical guitar, tone quality, psychoacoustics, acoustic characteristics,
auditory perception, articulation, pedagogic recommendations.
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