A. D. Buzunova
Price: 50 руб.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH. 22224378.2018.6.57.62
The article is devoted to the adherence to treatment and follow-up monitoring of female
patients with HIV during pregnancy and after childbirth. The subjective features of
health of 50 patients and their attitude to the time perspective were investigated.
The study involved women registered at St Petersburg Centre for Prevention and
Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, who visited a psychologist before beginning
antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy. The assessment of adherence was made a year
after the start of treatment by analysing the medical documentation. The interrelations
of psychological and somatic characteristics with the level of adherence to medical
recommendations are found.
Key words: HIV, pregnancy, adherence, somatic complaints, temporary perspective.
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