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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 38 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

R. Schumann “Albums for the Young”: Comparative Analysis

Liu Hui
Price: 50 руб.
 The article analyzes the vocal and piano opuses by Schumann, addressed to youth. “Song Album for the Young” and the piano collection “Album for the Young” are compared in fi gurative, structural and performing aspects. Besides, the article discusses great signifi cance of the composer’s music for young vocalists’ education, as well as the historical destiny of opus performance.
Keywords: composer, performer, vocal, music, song, skills, piece of music, heritage, singing, piano playing, comparison, educational process.
1. Grokhotov S. Shuman i okrestnosti. Romanticheskie progulki po «Al’bomu dlya
yunoshestva». M.: Klassika — XXI, 2006. 239 s.
2. Zhitomirskiy D. Robert Shuman. M.: Muzyka, 1964. 881s.
3. Smirnova M. Iz zolotogo fonda pedagogicheskogo repertuara. R. Shuman
«Al’bom dlya yunoshestva», «Detskie stseny», P. Chaykovskiy «Detskiy al’bom»,
K. Debyussi «Detskiy ugolok», S. Prokof’yev «Detskaya muzyka»: uchebnoe posobie.
SPb.: Kompozitor • Sankt-Peterburg, 2013. 187 s.
4. Shuman R. Novye puti // Shuman R. O muzyke i muzykantakh. Sobranie statey.
T. II-B: Muzyka. M., 1979.
5. Shuman R. Pis’ma: v 2 t. M.: Muzyka, 1982. 585 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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