Since Russia started its new Arctic policy in 2008, Russia’s strategy in the Arctic has turned to the period of systemic development. Two documents that determine the Russian policy in the Arctic – “The Foundations of Russian Federation Policy in the Arctic until 2020 and Beyond” and “The Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and National Security up to 2020” — have laid the groundwork for a ten-year strategy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic. The history of forming the complex Russia’s State Strategy in the Arctic has come a long way from some law drafts, which concern the Arctic development within the framework of the Federal policy and
prototypes of the complex strategy, to the creation of the fi nal version of the systemic strategy, plans of its promotion and mechanisms of its implementation. In 2017, Russia’s strategy in the Arctic was due to be completed in three years. Recent years the country has made steady progress on transport development, resource exploration, environmental protection, international cooperation and other goals in the Arctic. However, the global climate change forced Russia to suspend implementation of the Strategy in the region.
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