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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 36 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

The Word “Medicine” and its Meanings in the Russian Language Consciousness (Compared to the Chinese)

Wei Xiao
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper is devoted to identifying a system of meanings verbalized by the word «medicine» in the Russian language consciousness (against the Chinese one). The research technique includes three successive stages: analysis of dictionary entries and using the method of the component analysis to reveal differential semantic features of a polysemantic noun of; approaching informants-native speakers to analyze subjective defi nitions of the word under consideration; Context analysis for the use of a language
unit in modern Russian and Chinese. The author deals with similarities and differences in the collection and content of the semantic signs of the lexeme «medicine» at the linguistic level in the Russian and Chinese languages. It is proved that in the language consciousness of a contemporary speaker of both Russian and Chinese languages, only the nuclear meaning of the word «medicine» is syncretic.
Keywords: language consciousness, semantic sign, cognitive experiment, medicine,
national language corpus.
1. BAS — Bol’shoyakademicheskiy slovar’ russkogo yazyka / pod red. K. S. Gorbachevich. M.-SPb.: Nauka, 2004. 734 s.
2. Beseda v Samare // Fond «Obshchestvennoe mnenie». URL: http://fom.ru/ (data
obrashcheniya: 16.1.2018).
3. Bol’shoy tolkovyi slovar’ kitayskogo yazyka (
Price: 50 рублей
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