N. A. Balashova
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the control and supervision reform in Russia, including the
reduction of administrative pressure on small business. The emphasis is on the mechanism of test purchases, which was introduced by Federal Law of 3 July 2016 N 277-FZ. The author analyses the concept of test purchase, the grounds and procedure of this event, and also considers problems arising in organisation and carrying out of separate types of state control (supervision). In addition, the article takes into account the current practice of test purchases by state control (supervision) authorities and court decisions in emergent controversies.
Key words: work, individual businessman, control, test purchase, supervision, operator, inspection, requirements, legal person.
1. Kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ob administrativnykh pravonarusheniyakh ot 30.12.2001 № 195