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"The Scientific Opinion" №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2017


V. V. Lavrishchev
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper describes the features of consciousness of persons serving criminal sentence for commission of mercenary violent crimes. It is found out that the specifics of
consciousness reveal themselves in the description of social and personal identity
through specific categories: “accusing Self”, “supporting Self”, “perspective Self”,
“identity of a prisoner”, “criminal identity”, “physical Self”, “cynicism”. The revealed
generalised characteristics of the Self-image disclose the consciousness that is troubled and internally conflictive in comparison with self-descriptions of law-abiding citizens. The author shows the specifics of self-attitude that decreases with increase in number of criminal records. These results show distinctions in the axiological orientation and selfassessment of a number of aspects of biographic experience.
Key words: persons serving punishment under criminal law, consciousness, personality, personal identity, social identity, self-attitude, values.
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Price: 50 рублей
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