Ya. E. Tsyrlina
Price: 50 руб.
The article covers Gilbert Simondon’s theory of individuation and his philosophy of
“technology and technical objects”. The article provides an analysis of digital convergence of Simondon, and his theory of technicity as a mode of existence of humanity, the evolution of technicity and networks. In this article, the concept and characteristics of the technical world and digital technologies are introduced.
Key words: technical objects, technicity, individuation, digital convergence, network.
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4. Simondon G. On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects. University of Western Ontario, 1980. 72 p.
5. Simondon G. On the Mode of Existence of Technical Object. Third Part: The Essence of Technicity. URL: http://topologicalmedialab.net/xinwei/classes/readings/Simondon/On theModeOfExistenceTechnicalObjects/English/Part%203/Simondon_MEOT_part_3_ch_3.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 20.01.2017).