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"The Scientific Opinion" №2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2017

Methodologica l bases of studying emotional and personal well-being

L. V. Karapetyan
Price: 50 руб.
 The study of emotional and personal well-being is important in the analysis of revelation and examination of factors that help people become successful, achieve life goals, and feel comfortable. Considering the nature of this phenomenon, its internal structure, its internal and external relationships, the author presents a diagnostic tool that helps to identify and analyse the features of this construct and understand the laws that ensure its dynamics. The most important for a person is subjective assessment of his/her own emotional and personal well-being and understanding of this phenomenon. In this connection the author develops a model of self-rating of emotional and personal well-being and proposes her technique “Self-Rating of Emotional and Personal Well-Being”, as well as the methodology of unfinished sentences.
Key words: emotional and personal well-being, personal differential, self-assessment
of emotional and personal well-being, content analysis.
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Price: 50 рублей
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