T. N. Ischenko
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyses the educational process problems in relation to didactogenic causes of neuroses and development of inferiority complexes in learners who consequently have to struggle with the latter as adults. How can one explain the fact didactogeny reveals itself in the modern academic situation? In which case and under which conditions can a teacher be capable of preventing didactogenic causes of neuroses, thus facilitating the development of learners’ emotional and logical abilities? Why do not changes in the content of education solve the problem of didactogeny? The article works towards solutions to the raised problems. The author suggests looking at the issue from the viewpoint of didactics that concerns the cognition process aimed at formation of principles of thinking. The article also discusses the reasons why didactogeny manifests itself.
Key words: cognition, conditions, ability to think, didactogeny, didactoneurosis, didactics, didactic relations.
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