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"The Scientific Opinion" №1 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2017


G. Yu. Glushchenko
Price: 50 руб.
 Representation of signifiant images by means of tradition is an important function of
social memory. Tradition is actualised as a mechanism of sociocultural succession, and
its various forms are determined. It can emerge in the following way: memory goes into
the culture fild by means of a connective structure and can become tradition. Culture is
understood as a superindividual mechanism having a number of features. Tradition is a
basis for memory of culture, performing two functions – coordination and implementing
of communication. Therefore, it justifis identity, fils gaps, hardens societies, being one
of its defense mechanisms.
Key words: tradition, history, memory, society, culture, social identity, commemoration.
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6. Tosh Dzh. Stremlenie k istine. M.: Ves’ mir, 2000. 296 s.
7. Ferro M. Kak rasskazyvayut istoriyu detyam v raznykh stranakh mira. M.: Knizhnyi klub 36.6., 2014. 480 s.
8. Khal’bvaks M. Kollektivnaya i istoricheskaya pamyat’ // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. 2005. № 2–3. URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/nz/2005/2/ha2.html (data obrashcheniya: 25.11.2016).
9. Ekman M. Vospominaniya prostranstva // Mattias Ekman, ADGD conference 17–18 Sept 2009, Nottingham Trent University, Academia.edu. URL: http://gefter.ru/archive/9540 (data obrashcheniya: 26.11.2016).
Price: 50 рублей
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