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"The Scientific Opinion" №14 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2016


S. S. Bogdan
Price: 50 руб.
 The subject of the research is the evolutionary basis of the origin and forming of religious
belief and religion as a cultural phenomenon in the context of the two interrelated points
of view — “adaptive” and “secondary” ones. In the fist case religion is analysed as
an important adaptive mechanism of prosocial integration in group selection and a
psychotherapeutic tool, and in the second case — as a secondary product of individual
psychological attributes inherent in our species and having an initially different
evolution meaning (anthropomorphism, dualism, teleology, infantile credulousness).
Our biological nature contains potential preconditions for forming religious beliefs that
are universal for the whole mankind, but at the same time they are contextual, changeable and can fid other numerous forms of expression, except the religious one.
Key words: religion, religious belief, evolution, evolutionary religious studies,
secondary product, adaptive mechanism.
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Price: 50 рублей
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