V. V. Gorshkova
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyses the pedagogical ideas of A. S. Makarenko in the context of the
conflctological social reality. Pedagogical and social activity of A. S. Makarenko as an
ideologist and master of constructive conflct is revealed. Special attention is paid to the
oppositional relationships of A. S. Makarenko with representatives of offiial pedagogy,
educators, parents, pupils and himself.
Key words: pedagogical concept of education, conflctological reality, educational
methods, constructive relationships, prevention of conflcts.
1. A. S. Makarenko — ideolog i master sozidatel’nogo konflkta. Opyt nauchnogo osmysleniya pedagogicheskogo naslediya / avt.-sost.: V. V. Gorshkova, S. S. Lebedeva, V. A. Pisanko; pod red. V. V. Gorshkovoy. SPb.: SPbGUP, 2016. 372 s.
2. Makarenko A. S. Izbrannye pedagogicheskie sochineniya: v 8 t. M.: Pedagogika, 1977. T. 1.
3. Makarenko A. S. Pedagogicheskie sochineniya: v 8 t. M.: Pedagogika, 1983–1986. T. 8.
4. Makarenko A. S. Shkola zhizni, truda, vospitaniya / sost. A. A. Frolov, E. Yu. Ilaltdinova. N. Novgorod, 2009. Ch. 3.
5. Nevskaya S. S. Neizvestnyi Makarenko // NARKONET. 2012. № 10. S. 46–50.
6. Fere N. Moy uchitel’. Vospominaniya ob A. S. Makarenko // Biblioteka «Ogonek». M.: Izd-vo «Pravda», 1953. № 38–39.