R. V. Dorokhina
Price: 50 руб.
This article deals with the subject of creation and activity of the students’ Priyutino
brotherhood, which included such intellectuals as V. Vernadsky, D. Shakhovskoy, I.
Greaves, etc. The work of the brotherhood, its spiritual quest, moral values and concrete
results are shown. The activities of the brotherhood as a whole, but not its members in
particular are considered in the article. The author traces the emergence of the Priyutino
brotherhood during the ban on creating students’ communities, its existence at the
crossroads of ages and successive extinction with the death of the last member. The
work has an interdisciplinary character, it is written at the intersection of philosophical
and historical knowledge.
Key words: fraternity, university, values, intellectual activity.
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2. Kornilov A. Vospominaniya o yunosti Fedora Fedorovicha Ol’denburga // Russkaya mysl’. 1916. Kn. VIII. S. 58–59.
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