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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 20 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016

The Role of Traditional Costume in the Artistic Organization of the Spatial Environment in the Nanaian Folk Art

L. G. Dyachkova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article focuses on specifi c features of spatial environment of the Nanaian folk art and determines the role of traditional costume in it on the basis of the thesis of reversibility of cultural information. The compression of past history, which gave birth to the phenomena and objects of everyday life regarded nowadays as elements of traditional and folk art, makes it possible to study the structure of objects of folk art as an archive. The latter is often observed solely through visual approach. Therefore, exposure of the logical background of a specifi c piece of folk art allows to reconstruct the worldview of folk art, which may be visualized as fi xed graphical object having ontological characteristics. By using this method of overcoming barriers in understanding the essence of folk art, which appear due to the lack of available information on the meaning of folk art, or when such information is incomplete, the author believes that
with the help of structural analysis of an object it may become possible to fi ll in the gaps that emerge in the process of research of small ethnic groups.
Keywords: folk art, morphology, study of form and structure, costume, world view, reconstruction.
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Price: 50 рублей
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