L. Yu. Mukovskaya, O. L. Mukovsky
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The paper explores “numeral+noun” constructions with cardinal numerals as quanti fi ers found in many Baltic-Finnish languages. Data from the Estonian language demonstrates that noun groups with cardinal numerals’ plural contain indication of paired objects, two-part objects, complete sets, collectives and major events that may function as countable nouns. Along with the traditional “Indo-Europian” lexical instruments for rendering such
quantitative relations (e.g.“one pair of trousers”), the cardinal numerals’ capability to form the plural form and act as a quantifi er offers grammatical means for such phrases to become countable units for actual and potential pluralia tantum objects in the Estonian language. Such phrases retain the “number of sets” meaning; this fact shows regular use of countable nouns within the Num-PL Noun-PL groups in texts. In this context singular forms of noun may be interpreted as “part of set/collective”.
Keywords: numerals, plurals, quanti fi ers, quantity, number, pluralia tantum, Estonian.
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