E. N. Persiyantseva
Price: 50 руб.
The paper presents the psychosemantic analysis of the concept of “well-being” for
women in early adulthood. Subjective values of well-being in the participants’ minds are
presented with such categories as “material wealth”, “emotional well-being”, “family
intimacy”, “efficiency”, “existential value”, “security”, “health”, “self-development”,
“interpersonal relationships”. The identified categorical structures reflect the specificity
of semantic regulation of behaviour aimed at achieving well-being. Most of the personal
meanings are associated with “subjective well-being” in the unity of its outward-social
and emotional components. Personal meanings associated with “psychological wellbeing” reflect the conflict between the existential and deficiency needs.
Key words: well-being of a personality, psychosemantic approach, associative experiment, women in early adulthood.
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