M. T. Nogerova, T. A. Doguchaeva, M. R. Kochkarova,
Price: 50 руб.
The authors of the paper study the content and structure of social ideas of youth about
extremism and extremists, and obtain additional information about the content and
determinants of young people’s perception of extremism as a socio-psychological
phenomenon. The authors reveal that social ideas of youth about extremism are
characterised by the low degree of internal consistency. The subject of extremism is
not relevant and meaningful for a large part of today’s youth. The majority of students
believe that the activity of extremist organisations poses a real danger to society. The
level of tolerance is proved to be conditioned by the level of civic consciousness.
Key words: social identity, civil identity, tolerance, social idea, social idea structure,
extremism, terrorism, determinant of social ideas, social idea determination structure.
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