R. A. Zobov, S. V. Busov, M. R. Zobova, A. F. Rodyukov
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The article presents the different understanding of freedom, which is studied by the
authors at the level of phenomena, where “the choice from the range of possible structures” takes place, as well as at the level of essence – as a “moment of social selection”. The authors propose a number of methodologies (social synergy, element-structural approach, realistic philosophy) used in the analysis of the problem of freedom. The authors investigate the dilemma: choice is determined or, on the contrary, it is not forced. It turns out that this problem can be solved only on the basis of its understanding at the essential level. The important role of chance in human life and society is noted. A brief excursus is made to the history of philosophy on the problem of freedom and choice.
The authors make a conclusion that a person’s choice is determined in social stability
conditions and, on the contrary, it is less determined under social instability.
Key words: freedom, choice, chance, necessity, law, phenomenology, essenciology, selection, super-selection.
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