"Humanities and Science University Journal" №15 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2015 is published.
You can read the abstracts of articles and purchase an electronic version of any interested materials or already published journals.
"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 14 (Art history, philology and historical sciences) is published.
You can read the abstracts of articles and purchase an electronic version of any interested materials or already published journals.
You can read the abstracts of articles and purchase an electronic version of any interested materials or already published journals.
You can read the abstracts of articles and purchase an electronic version of any interested materials or already published journals.
Please be informed that from December 1st, 2015 due to coming into effect of the new List of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Publications, in which the main results of Ph.D. / D.Sc. theses should be published, the Humanities & Science University Journal and The Scientific Opinion are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission in the following disciplines:
In the next issue of “University Journal”: “Russian Language from the Lomonosov’s Era to the Present” by Lyudmila Alexeyevna Verbitskaya, a top-ranking philologist and a renowned public figure, President of the Russian Academy of Education, President of the International Association of the Teachers of Russian Language and Literature and the President of the Russian Association of the Teachers of Russian Language and Literature. The article contributes towards a broader perception of M. V. Lomonosov’s role as a reformer, first secular novelist and the founding father of Russian literature; defines the impact of his scientific and artistic legacy upon the current understanding of the role of Russian Literature in resolving socio-cultural and educational issues.
You can read the abstracts of articles and purchase an electronic version of any interested materials or already published journals.
The Scientific Opinion" № 7 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015 is published.
"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 12 (Art history, philology and historical sciences) is published.
"The Scientific Opinion" № 6 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015 is published.
"The Scientific Opinion" № 5 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2015 is published.
The Scientific Opinion" № 5 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015 is published.
"The Scientific Opinion" № 4 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015 is published.
"The Scientific Opinion" № 4 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015 is published.
"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 11(Art history, philology and historical sciences) is published.
"The Scientific Opinion" № 3 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015 is published.
"The Scientific Opinion" № 2 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2015 is published.
"The Scientific Opinion" № 2 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015 is published.
"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015 is published.
"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015 is published.