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About the journal


"Humanities and Science University Journal" is on the List of peer reviewed Russian academic journals and publications, which are required for scholars seeking PhD and Full Professor's degree.

Dear Colleagues,

Discussions on the priority directions of the 21st century science continue unabated. Still, most scholars agree that modern science is painstakingly different from its 20th century model. 21st century rests on and benefits from human intellect; hence, we witness three major features of the modern science that predetermine our vision of the forthcoming journal.
First, a modifi cation of scientifi c paradigms and rapidly vanishing borders between different branches of sciences and an ever deepening integration of social and natural sciences and technology; Second, an intense synthesis of innovative ideas, processes, and technologies and its incorporation into specifi c sectors of the real economy;
Third, the emergence of a new knowledge-based information society, a renewed interest in the quest for the ground-breaking principles that link science and education,two major indicators of the cultural development of a nation.
The first decade of the 21st century has witnessed the formation of a totally different research environment. It is now based on the transfer of knowledge between universities, scientifi c and industrial entities, as well as corporate and academic communities. Quest for the new knowledge, as well as the verifi cation of the latest scientifi c results, is no longer possible without conducting an open dialog within the scientifi c community. The research journal, an open and accessible forum for such a dialog, fosters a holistic approach to science in a social context and serves as an effective tool for popularizing and disseminating results of scientifi c research to the public at large. Our research journal also lays the ground for the development of scientifi c knowledge, inclusion of science into a social context for a productive interaction between scientists and university faculty, thus making science transparent for the public at large and government entities which determine funding priorities for specifi c branches of science. The “Humanities and Science University Journal.” is a major peer-reviewed scientifi c periodical intended fi rst and foremost for the scholars and scientists of the Russian Federation and the international academic community. The nature and format of publications from contributors to our Journal are, in its essence, in full compliance with standards of international bibliometric and scientometric indices of the full line of products by Thomson Scientifi c (Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index) and Elsevier’s Scopus. Articles in the “Humanities and Science University Journal” are intended not just for exchange of current information, but also primarily as a tool to evaluate an output by an individual scientist by a scientifi c community and his or her level of professional recognition.
The Journal strives to increase the h-index of its individual contributors and enhance its impact factor. The impact factor is the primary formal standard for the evaluation of level of scientifi c output in related areas, quality control of the performed studies through the system of peer reviews.
In the process of allocation of grants or nominations for scientifi c awards (including the Nobel Prize) the experts always consider indices of the author’s publications in high-impact journals. The journal’s reputation and its impact-factor go hand in hand with the quality and caliber of its contributors.
We are confi dent that our “Humanities and Science University Journal” will meet the priority challenges set by the information community.

Chief Editor Vladimir V. Laptev