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 In case of rejection or necessity for modification or correction of the paper, the Publisher has to inform the Author about this 15 days before the estimated date of publication.
  1. A scientific paper is considered as received if it is submitted completely and drawn up in accordance with the Requirements for Manuscripts.
  2. A scientific paper is considered properly submitted if the Publisher does not make a request for its correction according to the requirements within 10 days after its receipt.
  3. Papers not meeting the requirements cannot be accepted for consideration.
  4. Submission of scientific papers for the current issue of The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences stops 25 working days before its publication.
  5. A scientific paper is published only in case of its approval by the Editorial Board of the scientific journal.
  6. A scientific paper is published in the author’s edition. The author of the scientific paper is responsible for the published material, scientific validity, and correspondence to the genre.
  7. The Author and the Publisher must sign the publishing contract and license agreement between the author of the paper and the publisher.
  8. The terms of publishing services accomplishment are available at http://bookhouse.ru/publishing-house/un-journal