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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №8, 2014

Development of the algorithm improving the innovat ive att ractiveness of administrat ive territorial units with the fiscal component

A. S. Nechaev, O. V. Antipina
Price: 50 руб.
 The effectiveness of integrated territorial development programmes depends largely on the quality assessment of the level of innovative development of regions, taking into
account the combination of different factors. Particular relevance in fostering innovations should be given to the use of different tax instruments that affect the tax burden on businesses. As a result, the article proposes developing an algorithm to improve the level of innovation attractiveness of administrative territorial units with the fiscal component. The authors present the results of assessing the level of innovation attractiveness of federal districts and regions of Russia, including the calculation of deviations from the specified values of targets for each indicator of innovative development of territories with the fiscal component.
Key words: innovation attractiveness of territories, innovative development, tax
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Price: 50 рублей
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