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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №8, 2014

Acquisition of a development product in joint and mixed funding of advanced research and development

V. Yu. Ivanisov
Price: 50 руб.
 The subject of the article is the relations of acquisition of a development product in case of joint / mixed development funding. A development product is shown to be the joint property of those who paid for the development. The contradiction exists between the equality of ownership rights of those who paid for the development and inequality of
the amount of their funding of the product creation. The author proposes to solve this
contradiction through introducing the inequality of limitations imposed on ownership,
usage and disposal of the development product that depends on the size and directions of the development product funding. The rules of those limitations are theoretically substantiated.
Key words: development product, joint / mixed funding of development.
1. Ivanisov V. Yu. Metod sovmestnogo finansirovaniya NIOKR v aviatsionnoy promyshlennosti:
dis. na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kand. ekon. nauk. Moskovskiy aviatsionnyi institut (tekhnicheskiy
universitet). M., 2008.
2. Ivanisov V. Yu. Metodicheskie printsipy smeshannogo finansirovaniya NIOKR po sozdaniyu
vooruzheniy i voennoy tekhniki // Vestnik Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta (tekhnicheskogo
universiteta)» M., 2009.
Price: 50 рублей
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