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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №8, 2014

The structure and content of social memory of society

L. I. Miklina
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is devoted to the sociological and philosophical problems of studying
memory. In the beginning of the paper the author draws a distinction between the
concepts of individual, social and collective memory. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign conceptions, the model of study of collective memory depending on the level of sociological knowledge is worked out. The concept of social memory is considered in two meanings: as a synonym of collective memory (broad meaning) and as memory of society (narrow meaning). As a result, the new definition of social memory is introduced. The author emphasises the difference between the formal and substantive structures of this phenomenon. In the end of the article the author points out that the study of social memory should combine both formal and substantive aspects of analysis.
Key words: collective memory, social memory, multilevel model of memory studies,
formal structure of social memory, substantive structure of social memory.
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Price: 50 рублей
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