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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №8, 2014

Preparati on of biology students to the development of cognitiv e univ ersal study acti ons of schoolchildren involved in research activity

I. Yu. Azizova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article presents the experience of training future biology teachers to the formation
of cognitive universal study actions of schoolchildren. It is shown that the achievement
of cognitive universal study actions is possible through the development of children`s
research skills. The author of the paper characterises methodical techniques of organising schoolchildren`s biological research by means of “worksheets”.
Key words: activity component of the content, cognitive study actions, general
academic and logical study actions, formulation and solution of a problem, research
activity of schoolchildren.
1. Asmolov A. G., Burmenskaya G. V., Volodarskaya I. A. [i dr.] Kak proektirovat’ universal’nye uchebnye
deystviya v nachal’noy shkole: ot deystviya k mysli: posobie dlya uchitelya / pod red. A. G. Asmolova. M.:
Prosveshchenie, 2008. 152 s.
2. Salmina N. P., Filimonova O. G. Psikhologicheskaya diagnostika razvitiya mladshikh shkol’nikov. M.:
MGPPU, 2006. 210 s.
3. Formirovanie universal’nykh uchebnykh deystviy v osnovnoy shkole: ot deystviya k mysli. Sistema
zadaniy. Posobie dlya uchitelya / A. G. Asmolov i dr. M., 2011.
Price: 50 рублей
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