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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №8, 2014

Modelling as an approach and method for studying a Human Resource Ma nagement System

N. M. Glukhenkaya
Price: 50 руб.
 The article describes the scientific approach and method of “modelling” for studying
Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS). The author systematises the principles of modelling, considers kinds of models, and proposes comparative characteristics of strengths and weaknesses of the modelling method.
Key words: modelling, scientific approach, method of study.
1. Glukhenkaya N. M. Issledovanie sistem upravleniya: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. Yekaterinburg,
UrFU, 2012. 83 s.
2. Glukhenkaya N. M. Issledovanie sistem upravleniya personalom organizatsii: monografiya. Praga,
Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ», 2014. 96 s.
3. Glukhenkaya N. M. Klassifikatsiya metodov issledovaniya sistem upravleniya personalom na primere
diplomnykh rabot // Nauchnoe mnenie. 2013. № 8. S. 216–219.
4. Glukhenkaya N. M., Dubrovskaya E. A. Podkhody i metody dlya issledovaniya sistem upravleniya
personalom // Nauchnoe mnenie. 2013. № 2. S. 104–108.
5. Gol’dshteyn S. L., Ivanyushkina O. G., Kormyshev V. M. Razvitie sistem upravleniya znaniyami dlya
razresheniya situatsiy v biznese. Yekaterinburg: ID «Pirogov’», 2006. 220 s.
6. Malin A. S., Mukhin V. I. Issledovanie sistem upravleniya: uchebnik dlya vuzov. M.: 2002. 397 s.
7. Motyshina M. S. Issledovanie sistem upravleniya: uchebnoe posobie. SPb.: 2006. 220 s.
8. Modelirovanie kak metod nauchnogo poznaniya / Osnovnye ponyatiya menedzhmenta: glossariy /
N. D. Naydenov, V. P. Chesnokov. Syktyvkar: KRAGS i U, 2007. 195 s. URL: http:vogcable.ru/dictionary/916/
Price: 50 рублей
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