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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Dyna mics of the associat ive-verbal fields of town an d village

Т. A. Burmistrova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article traces the dynamics of changes in the content of the associative verbal fields town and village on the basis of the Dictionary of Associative Norms of the Russian Language (ed. A. A. Leontiev) and the Russian Associative Dictionary (ed. Yu. N. Karaulov). The author reveals general directions of association and essential changes that occurred in minds of Russian native speakers since the middle till the end of the 20th century.
Kew words: associative-verbal field, directions of association, language consciousness, language worldview, linguistic and culturological opposition.
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2. Karaulov Yu. N. Osnovy lingvokul’turnogo tezaurusa russkogo yazyka // Russkoe slovo v russkom mire: sbornik statey. M.: Kaluga: Eydos, 2004. S. 244–296.
3. Karaulov Yu. N. Russkiy assotsiativnyi slovar’ kak novyi lingvisticheskiy istochnik i instrument analiza
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4. Sistema leksicheskikh minimumov sovremennogo russkogo yazyka. 10 leksicheskikh spiskov. Ot 500
do 5000 samykh vazhnykh russkikh slov / pod red. V. V. Morkovkina. M.: Astrel’, AST, 2003. 768 s.
5. Slovar’ assotsiativnykh norm russkogo yazyka /pod red. A. A. Leont’yeva. M.: Izd-vo Moskovskogo
universiteta, 1977. 192 s.
6. Tubalova I. V. Problemy transformatsii smysla «sovetskogo teksta» v rechevoy srede postsovetskoy
derevni// Yazyk i kul’tura. 2011. № 3. S. 94–105.
Price: 50 рублей
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