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The Scientific Opinion | Archive


"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Journal Article:
A. I. Timofeyev, V. V. Kuznetsova
Spontan eous extreme activity an d everyday life
Price: 50 rub.
E. L. Aleksandrova
On the theory of relief an d background
Price: 50 rub.
T. V. Gogolina, E. N. Ivanovа
Modern scient ific edition: the problem of typology
Price: 0 rub.
P. Yu. Karavaeva
Grammat ical norm of Nil Sorsky
Price: 50 rub.
R. R. Zhaleyeva
Villan cicos of Pedro de La garto
Price: 50 rub.
M. E. Kolenova
Verse drama on the Russian sta ge
Price: 50 rub.
Price: 300 rub
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