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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Constant notions an d artistic constant s of Boris Pilniak in the collection of short stories Byl’ye

S. V. Khoronov
Price: 50 руб.
 Constant notions and artistic constants of Boris Pilniak’s works realised in the collection of short stories Byl’ye (Bygones, 1920) are considered in the article. Units of different levels, such as images, motifs and idea oppositions are marked out among the mentioned constants. The latter concept is introduced for a more exact description of the considered unit. Constants of different levels are united into subject groups and considered as the means that disclose different problems within the bounds of the declared themes. Since the collected stories Byl’ye became the base of the novel The Naked Year, marking out the constant notions and artistic constants of the collection makes a contribution to the novel’s interpretation.
Key words: constants, images, motifs, idea oppositions, Russia and Europe, revolution,
the present.
1. Anpilova L. N. Proza B. Pil’nyaka 1920-kh godov. Opyt russkogo ekspressionizma: monograficheskiy
ocherk. Yekaterinburg, 2008.
2. Auer A. P. «Pered litsom vechnosti…»: stat’i o khudozhestvennom mire B. A. Pil’nyaka. Kolomna,
3. Dolgopolov L. K. Andrey Belyi i ego roman «Peterburg». L., 1988.
4. Babkina E. S. Formirovanie zhanrovoy sistemy v tvorchestve Borisa Pil’nyaka. Komsomol’sk-na-
Amure, 2011.
5. Kryuchkov V. P. Proza B. A. Pil’nyaka 1920-kh godov (motivy v funktsional’nom i intertekstual’nom
aspektakh). Saratov, 2005.
6. Pil’nyak B. Byl’yo: rasskazy. M., 1920.
7. Pil’nyak B. U Nikoly, chto na Belykh Kolodezyakh // Put’. 1919. № 2.
8. Pil’nyak B. A. Golyi god // Romany. M., 1990.
Price: 50 рублей
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