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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Ritual of hospita lity in the an cient world (in literary texts of ancient authors)

N. N. Sipunova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article discusses the concept of hospitality in antiquity (based on literary monuments of antiquity). Many ritual norms and customs of hospitality have survived, but lost their value meanings.
Key words: hospitality, antiquity, custom, ritual, behaviour, exchange of gifts,
friendship, international law.
1. Bayburin A. K. Ritual v traditsionnoy kul’ture. Strukturno-semanticheskiy analiz vostochnoslavyanskikh
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2. Vul’f K. Proizvodstvo sotsial’nogo: ritual, emotsii, vospominaniya // Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsial’noy
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3. Gomer. Iliada / per. s drevnegrech. N. Gnedicha; predisl. A. Neykhardt; prim. i slovar’ S. Osherova;
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4. Gomer. Odisseya / per. s drevnegrech. V. A. Zhukovskiy. M.: Nauka, 2000. 544 s.
5. Zakon i obychay gostepriimstva v antichnom mire. Doklady konferentsii 27–28 maya 1999 g. M.:
IVIRAN,1999. 192 s.
6. Kolosovskaya Yu. K. Gostepriimstvo v sisteme ius genetium drevnego Rima // Drevneye pravo. IYS
ANTIQYYM. № 1 (4).1999. M.: Spark, 1999. 279 s. S. 86–98.
7. Ksenofont. Zashchita Sokrata na sude. Pir. Domostroy / per. Sobolevskiy S. I. M.: Direkt – Media,
2004. 200 s.
8. Losev A. F. Gomer. M.: Molodaya gvardiya, 2006. 416 s.
9. Platon. Zakony. Kn. IX. / per. Yegunova A. N. M.: Mysl’, 1999. 650 s.
10. Redkliff-Braun A. R. Struktura i funktsiya v primitivnom obshchestve. Ocherki i lektsii / per. s angl.
M.: Izdatel’skaya firma «Vostochnaya literatura» RAN, 2001. 304 s. (Etnograficheskaya biblioteka).
Price: 50 рублей
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