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Humanities and Science University Journal № 78 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2024

The Embodiment of the Tragic in the Qin and Peking Operas

Dai Tianyi, Galina V. Abdullina
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 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2024_78_192
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of refl ecting the “tragic” in Chinese art.
The tragic genre in Chinese culture dates back to antiquity, and a vivid example of its
embodiment in national music are the Qin and Peking operas, in which emotions, shades
of moods, feelings, images and tragic life situations are subtly expressed. The origins of the
Chinese tragedy lie in the contradictory political situation and the tragic life of the people,
which signifi cantly infl uenced the psychology of people. An important expressive means
of the Qin opera is specifi c “bitter voices” and “scattered and mournful sounds”, conveying tragic pictures and stories that serve as an expression of pain and bitterness. The Peking opera performance is based on the “unique descending sound of singing”, the use of microtones and imitation of crying, which contributes to a specifi c vocal sound and creates a special atmosphere, forming a singing style with strong tragic overtones. The purpose of the article is to explore the specifi cs of refl ecting the tragic in Chinese operas.
Keywords: national art of China, the tragic in opera, emotions of Qin opera, Peking opera,
specifi cs of opera singing, bitter tone, images of Yuan drama, vocal sound
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