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Humanities and Science University Journal № 78 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2024

The Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in the Works of Scandinavian Composers (1890–1900s)

Igor V. Tomashevsky, Vladimir P. Konnov
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 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2024_78_34
Abstract. The article is devoted to the historical fate of Austro-German musical Romanticism in the musical cultures of the Scandinavian region of Denmark and Norway, where Romantic traditions found their viability in the piano concerto genre. The research material was the works of the Dane Emil Hartmann and the Norwegian master Halfdan Cleve, highly valued by the authors’ contemporaries. The article traces in detail the concertos’ belonging to the traditions, in the fi rst case, of early (Mendelssohn, Schumann, Chopin), and in the second case, late Romanticism (which was indicated by reminiscences and allusions of musical material and musical composition techniques). The undoubted artistic value, originality and national peculiarity of the works are postulated, worthy not only of research attention, but also of sensitive, careful performing interpretation and revival in
the conditions of the multipolar world musical culture of our days.
Keywords: Romanticism, Northern Europe, musical culture of Denmark and Norway, genre
of piano concerto, three-part cycle, Viennese classical sonata form, tonal-harmonic and
textural features of thematic material
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