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The Scientific Opinion №7-8 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023


Albina G. Fakhrislamova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_7–8_178
Abstract. The article presents the results of one of the stages of the research on scientifically qualified work. Determining the level of motivation, desire for professional growth, further self-education and self-development of a rural teacher in postgraduate professional activity is one of the most important tasks today. This will help to understand the main reasons for the loss of interest in their professional activities among teachers, identify the main motives and develop further work on training and maintaining the creative potential of teachers. In achieving the goals of this stage of the study, a whole range of scientific methods was used: surveys, conversations, analysis and synthesis of tests conducted according to various methods of outstanding educational psychologists. The results were summed up, the main needs and desires of teachers for further self-development were determined. Conclusions and recommendations are formulated to increase the interest and motivation of teachers to implement the technology of educational activities. The results may be of interest to heads of general education institutions, advanced training courses and institutes of continuing professional education.
Keywords: motivation, desires, needs, rural teacher, technology of educational activity, diagnostics, system-activity approach, additional professional education
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