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The Scientific Opinion №7-8 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023


Natalia F. Kudryavtseva, Maria L. Malakhovskaya, Lyudmila V. Panteleeva
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 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_7–8_31
Abstract. Russian university graduates and academics face significant challenges to become full-fledged participants of the global scholarly community. One of the most common, yet sometimes overlooked causes of this situation is the lack of disciplinary literacy. Disciplinary literacy is defined as the ability to appropriately participate in the communicative practices of a discipline. The paper investigates the factors that lead to the expansion of the requirements for disciplinary literacy in today’s globalised world. Based on the analysis of literature and their own experience of teaching ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purposes) in a pedagogical university, the authors put forward the idea that in many cases the best way to tackle the problems of disciplinary literacy may be to use elements of the constructivist approach to teaching this subject.
Keywords: English for Specific Academic Purposes, disciplinary literacy, academic literacy, disciplinary community, disciplinary discourse
Список источников
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